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Phalcās in Kathmandu: Everday Rhythms and Stories of Placemaking
by Julia Meckl They are places to rest, find shelter from the rain and sun, hang out, socialize, shop and bargain, worship, play, make...
Sharing urban worlds with parakeets: The more-than-human city of Heidelberg
Shuhei Tashiro March 2022 This blog entry serves as the final outcome of my course project in the joint seminar, "Tracing the Urban...
Walking Saddar, Karachi: A Photographer's Lens
Saad Chaudhry on Abdullah Haroon Road, Karachi, Pakistan (Photo by author) What photography offered was also the lifestyle of just...
The Urban Sensoriums and Subjective Mappings of Bahnstadt, Heidelberg
Through the act of walking new connections are made and re-made, physically and conceptually over time and through space. Public concerns...
Wohnprojeckt in Heidelberg Welcome to your blog post. Use this space to...
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